Anti Aging Products

Anti aging products and treatments are becoming extremely popular in western society. As modern medicine advances and develops drugs and procedures to extend life people want to look younger for a greater portion of their life. To the vast majority of ...
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Weight Watchers Diet Program

Weight Watchers is another of the old-time standby diet programs, with over forty years in the business and an estimated 1 million followers across the globe at any given time. One of the reasons this weight loss plan has continued success is the focus on overall health: mental, emotional and physical. Weight Watchers provides the tools and support to change the way you eat and live.

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Birth Control

To have children is still one of the perfect gifts that couples can give to themselves. Nothing can equal the pleasure of nursing a child and seeing it grow and achieve things for himself. These are the simple joys of parenting that one will always cherish...
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(Health) Male Sex Chromosome on Its Way Out: Study

Rapid evolution of the male sex chromosome could result in its disappearance within a few million years. But that won’t mean the end of males, say U.S. scientists.
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(Health) Celebrate The Moonwalk's 40th Anniversary ... With Google? - ChannelWeb

BBC News
Celebrate The Moonwalk's 40th Anniversary ... With Google?
Want to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the moon landing, spice up your moonwalk or just feed your obsession with all things moon, lunar, Neil Armstrong or Buzz Aldrin? So does Google, and Google's new Moon in Google Earth software, an addition to ...
On Anniversary of Moonwalk, Apollo Astronauts Debate Financial ...Washington Post
Google lights up Moon on Apollo 11 anniversaryRegister
Google Earth takes you to the moonCNET News
eWeek -Wired News -The Associated Press
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(Health) Airlines stop swine flu victims flying

British airlines have put into effect measures to stop people with swine flu boarding flights in a bid to prevent the virus from spreading further.
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(Health) Public Want Ban On Sunbeds For Under 18s, UK

Nearly 90 per cent of people in the UK back proposals to stop under 18s from using sunbeds according to a new survey by Cancer Research UK. The results also show that 90 per cent of people want all sunbed salons to be staffed at all times. And 91 per cent want salons to provide health information to all users making sure they are aware of the health risks of using sunbeds.
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(Health) Secrets Of A Life-Giving Amino Acid Revealed By Yale Researchers

Selenium is a trace element crucial to life - too little or too much of it is fatal. In the July 17 issue of the journal Science, researchers at Yale University and University of Illinois at Chicago detail the molecular mechanisms that govern its metabolism in the human body.
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(Health) Obama: Now is time to change health care (AP)

President Barack Obama speaks about a href=AP - President Barack Obama told the nation Saturday his health care overhaul is financially sound, but a new analysis by congressional budget experts of emerging House legislation said it would increase deficits by $239 billion over a decade.

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(Health) University Of Antwerp Tests Vaccine For Mexican Flu - Vaccine Probably Available In November

In August and September, the University of Antwerp organises vaccine studies for different producers of Mexican flu (H1N1v) test vaccines. 300 to 400 volunteers will be recruited for these tests. "There is a good chance that a Mexican flu vaccine is available early November", expects vaccine expert prof. dr.
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(Health) Home Oxygen Patients And Family Members Visit Capitol Hill To Ask Congress To Protect Medicare Home Oxygen Therapy Benefit

Asking members of Congress to support patient-focused reform of the Medicare home oxygen therapy benefit, patients and family members with the National Emphysema/COPD Association (NECA), a national advocacy organization representing patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other lung diseases, descended on Capitol Hill this week. Patients urged members of the U.S.
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(Health) 'Delinquent Behavior Among Boys Contagious' New Study Finds

Impulsive boys with inadequate supervision, poor families and deviant friends are more likely to commit criminal acts that land them in juvenile court, according to a new study published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
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(Health) Bombings, business and the future of Indonesia - Los Angeles Times

Bombings, business and the future of Indonesia
Los Angeles Times
Damage from the blast is evident at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. The nearby JW Marriott was also hit. One of two attacks Friday on hotels in Jakarta happened during a round table of foreign business leaders. The business community debates whether political ...
Marriott Jakarta Attack May Be Linked to Bali BombersBloomberg
Fugitive terrorist a suspect in Indonesia bombingsThe Associated Press
Bombing Probe Points to Notorious TerroristWall Street Journal -BBC News -Reuters
all 6,209 news articles »
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(Health) Sunitinib Benefit Explored in Poor-Prognosis Kidney Cancer

Title: Sunitinib Benefit Explored in Poor-Prognosis Kidney Cancer
Category: health News
Created: 7/17/2009 7:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 7/17/2009
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(Health) New Obesity Data Shows Blacks Have the Highest Rates of Obesity

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Related MedlinePlus Topics: African-American health, Hispanic-American health, Obesity
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(Health) Dietary Oils May Help Some Fight Fat

Two common supplements lower body fat, build muscle in obese older women with diabetes, researchers find

Source: healthDay
Related MedlinePlus Topics: Diabetic Diet, Dietary Supplements, Obesity
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(Health) California H1N1 Deaths Climb to 55

The Contra Costa Times reports that the number of H1N1 swine flu deaths has climb to 55. 23 additional new deaths have come in a single week. "We expect to continue to see more cases of swine flu, more serious cases and, unfortunately, more deaths," said Ken August, spokesman for the California Department of Public health.

Though health officials expected the spread of swine flu to slow in the hot summer months, as influenza viruses often do, the virus hasn't gone away, August said.

"While the majority of cases have been mild so far, public health officials remain very concerned that the virus could evolve into a more serious strain of influenza," he said. The California Department of health's website has a helpful chart here that shows the case distribution by country in California. The chart also indicates there have been 441 hospitalizations in the state from H1N1 swine flu.

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(Health) WHO Update: 985 Swine Flu Cases in 20 Countries

The World health Organization says in its latest update that 20 countries have officially reported 985 cases of influenza A (H1N1) infection. The cases include 26 confirmed deaths - 25 in Mexico and 1 in the United States. Mexico has reported 590 laboratory confirmed human cases of infection, including 25 deaths. The higher number of cases from Mexico reflects ongoing testing of previously collected specimens. The United States has reported 226 laboratory confirmed human cases, including one death.

The following countries have reported laboratory confirmed cases with no deaths - Austria (1), Canada (85), China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (1), Costa Rica (1), Colombia (1), Denmark (1), El Salvador (2), France (2), Germany (8), Ireland (1), Israel (3), Italy (1), Netherlands (1), New Zealand (4), Republic of Korea (1), Spain (40), Switzerland (1) and the United Kingdom (15). The latest WHO update can be found here. WHO also has provided a map that shows the cases as of May 3rd. More h1n1 resources can be found here.

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(Health) Diet and Catch the Flu?

Dieting may not be wise if what MSU researchers found in mice translates to humans as well. BBC reports that the MSU researchers found that mice that were fed 40% less were more likely to catch the flu. Mice fed less also took longer to recover from the flu. The team at Michigan State University found even though the mice on the lower calorie diet received adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals, their bodies were still not able to produce the number of killer cells needed to fight an infection.

As well as being more likely to die from the virus, the mice - which were consuming around 40% of the calories given to their counterparts on a normal diet - took longer to recover, lost more weight and displayed other symptoms of poor health.

"Our research shows that having a body ready to fight a virus will lead to a faster recovery and less-severe effects than if it is calorically restricted," said study author Professor Elizabeth Gardner. It would be interesting to see if the study gets the same results with other viruses such as the common cold virus. Flu activity has been pretty low so far this year but it is starting to pick up in the Northeast - you can see the latest graphic showing activity in the U.S. state here on the CDC's website.

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(Health) Feel Good Friday – Harry and the Potters

Of course you’re getting wizard rock this week. The sound quality isn’t the best, but the below is a performance of Harry and the Potters at the Carnegie Library* of Pittsburgh. The song is “The Foil,” by Harry and the Potters.

*Which is awesome – I visited the main branch on Forbes while I was in Pittsburgh for my library science grad school. It seemed like a really pleasant place to spend time.

Posted in Events & Observances
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(Health) The 5 most powerful in health care?

 By Carol Gentry
7/17/2009 © health News Florida
Even though health care is the nation’s hottest political issue, no elected officials are among the five Florida finalists for a magazine contest called the “100 Most Powerful People in healthcare.” In fact, you may not have heard of some of them.
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(Health) Police find gang link in parents' slaying

7/17/2009 © USA Today
Officials have found links to a gang among some suspects in the murders of a Pensacola-area couple who adopted disabled children. Another report says the father served probation in connection with fraud in one adoption.
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(Health) 4 in hospital after bee stings

7/16/2009 © South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Four people, including two guards, were hospitalized after being stung by bees inside a women's detention center in Pembroke Pines on Wednesday.  At least eight others were treated at the scene.
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(Health) CDC fears more swine flu cases in fall

The new H1N1 swine flu virus is still circulating and will likely cause more disease in the fall, when schoolchildren return from summer break, a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention official said Friday.

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(Health) Report: NKorea's Kim has pancreatic cancer

North Korean leader Kim Jong Il has life-threatening pancreatic cancer, a news report said Monday, days after new images of him looking gaunt spurred speculation that his health might be worsening following a reported stroke last year.

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(Health) Magnesium: The Stress Buster

If someone told you that your stress level could go from 300 to 0 with a boost of magnesium, you probably wouldn’t believe them, but you might buy a hefty bottle of magnesium supplements the next time you were in the vitamin and natural health section. Since magnesium is a part of your cells and bones and is especially vital as the smoothing cells of your arteries, it protects those arteries from blood pressure that is caused by stress.

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(Health) What Is Bacteria? What Are Bacteria?

The word bacteria is the plural of bacterium. Grammatically the headline should just say "What are bacteria?" The incorrect usage has been included in the headline to remind readers that it is wrong - and hopefully help correct an increasingly common mistake in the English language.
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(Health) Being Underweight in an Overweight Society

Although some people who are underweight may still be perfectly healthy, being underweight can indicate an underlying health condition. An underweight condition can result from difficulties chewing, a reduced appetite, loss of appetite and even malnutrition, especially among children. In addition, having a low body weight may be indicative of a body dismorphic disorder such as anorexia nervosa.

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(Health) Hand transplant patient hopes to feel wife's touch (AP)

Double hand transplant recipient Jeff Kepner, 57, of Atlanta Ga., right, works with hand therapist Kimberly Maguire after discussing his nine-hour, May 4, 2009 surgery at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in Pittsburgh Thursday, July 16, 2009. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)AP - The nation's first double hand transplant patient can wriggle his new fingers a little bit now and grab a tennis ball, but what he really wants to do is be able to feel his wife's hands when he holds them.

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(Health) Onsolis Approved for Severe Cancer Pain (HealthDay)

healthDay - THURSDAY, July 16 (healthDay News) -- The potent opioid medication Onsolis (fentanyl buccal soluble film) has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat breakthrough cancer pain, the agency said Thursday.
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(Health) Republicans Are Splitting on Sotomayor Confirmation - New York Times

Republicans Are Splitting on Sotomayor Confirmation
New York Times
WASHINGTON — Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, announced Friday that he would oppose the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court even as new backing from other Republicans showed that her seat on ...
The Supreme Court Kabuki DanceWall Street Journal
Sotomayor Likely to Gain Seat on US High CourtVoice of America
McConnell, Bunning agree: They'll vote no on
BBC News -Salt Lake Tribune -The Associated Press
all 18,040 news articles »

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(Health) Mom of twins at 66 dies three years later

A Spanish woman -- who at age 66 gave birth to twins -- has died less than three years later, a local official and a family member told CNN Thursday.
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Do You Drink Too Much?

When does a few drinks after work every day turn into a full-blown drinking problem? We'll help you figure out where you fall on the scale.

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Man Waits to Feel Wife's Touch After Hand Transplant

Jeff Kepner, the first U.S. double hand transplant patient, says he is looking forward to being able to feel his wife's hand as he holds it.

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Paternity Test

A paternity test is a clinical and scientific test that is used to establish who the biological father of a child is. While there are tests that compare blood type and other forms of paternity testing, DNA testing has now become almost the exclusive mean...

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Drug Treatment Centers

Once a family member or a friend shows early signs of drug addiction, it is always best to seek professional help from drug treatment centers that knows what to do at the onset of drug abuse. There are already several drug treatment centers and recover...

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There are episodes in one's life when one experiences extreme sadness due to loss of a loved one, property and the most significant thing in one's life. Sadness is a normal feeling that all humans face every now and then but if sadness is affecting every a...

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About Us

About me
My name is Gareth Lewis and I'm a freelance events coordinator, sometime theatre practitioner and full time organic warrior. My passion for organics takes me back almost 5 years. For health reasons I began taking a certified organic probiotic cal...

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Thalidomide lung cancer 'failure'

Controversial drug thalidomide does not improve survival for patients with a form of lung cancer, a study finds.

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Doctor no

Why is male cancer often discovered so late?

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